We did the GPTW survey in December 2020, after a very different kind of year (Covid19). The results came in and we are beyond happy and proud to share we got a 100% in ‘Taking everything into account, I would say this is a great place to work’ and the overall average of all the statements was 90%. This means we are now a certified Great place to work!

Some highlights worth mentioning is a staggering 90% in communications and a 100% in community. These are especially important in the times when we all work remotely and haven’t seen each other face to face in months. Making sure everyone is up to date with what’s going on in the company and also having a sense of community is crucial .
Some areas where we scored lower are how we contribute to the community and uniqueness of our benefits. The results give us a doorway to dig deeper, and choose which areas we want to create new initiatives in, together as a team. We had small team sessions to see what areas spark most ideas and then prioritize some of the initiatives to form into action plans. These initiatives will help us improve ourselves even more as a company and working community.
As we are still working remotely it’s even more important to create ways to get together and work towards common goals. This whole Great Place to Work survey and what it brings with it is all about that.
In the name of continuous improvement and transparency, our values, we are sharing our Culture Audit from 2020. This is related to the Great Place to Work process too, and this year the question was seemingly simple: how did covid19 affect our company. It was a good opportunity to reflect on last year and jot down some of the aspects we found to be meaningful for us.
I hope this document gives you some insight into how we got through the year 2020 and maybe helps you reflect on your year too.